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Great prices for juices and also constant update on juice lines! Only at Crystal Vapor! #ejuice #ecig #ecigs #crystalvapor #vape #vapor #vaping
Posted 10 years, 7 months Ago
They say don't post prices online...but with $30 Ready Kits, we can make an exception. Ego Upgrade with T3D dual coil Ready Kit for $29.99 and Ego Upgrade with Pyrex Protank 3 Mini dual coil for $34.99. Or get started with our Mech Mod Starter Kit for only $69.99! Let Crystal Vapor help you on your journey past Cigarettes and Chew. Join us at Crystal Vapor! #smokefree #nosmoking #stopsmoking #vape #vapor #electroniccigarettes #vapelyfe #vapep*** #vapejuice #vapeflavors #vapecommunity #unitedvapers #vapeLA #calivapers #losangeles #lacanadaflintridge #ca #california
Posted 10 years, 7 months Ago
@evaper8 Straight Drippin' is now in stock with a 5-mile exclusivity!! Come on by and try these great 70/30 blends. Tastes like Heaven, built for CLOUDS #straightdrippin #evaper8 #ejuice #cloudchasers #cococream #cheeseberry #westcoastcustard #birthdays** #vapecommunity #vapep*** #eliquid #ejuice #vapejuice #cloudjuice #vapeflavors #socalvape #calivapers #unitedvapers #vapelyfe #lacanadaflintridge #losangeles #ca #california #CrystalVapor
Posted 10 years, 7 months Ago
To a great Sunday! ✒ï¸âœï¸ #eCigarette #VAPE #vapor #socalvape #ecig #smokefree #sunday #summer #weekend #eJuice #eliq #unitedvapers #vapelyfe #losangeles #lacanadaflintridge #glengaryglenross #netflix #ca #california
Posted 10 years, 7 months Ago
New mods are in! Come check them out today. #crystalvapor #clouds #vape #vapor #vaping #mods #coppercity #copper #calivapers #lacanadaflintridge #hardhitters #subohm #cloudchaser #ecig #ecigs
Posted 10 years, 7 months Ago
Feeling the burn has never felt better! Switch your nicotine carrier to an electronic cigarette and save some of your years for your children and grandchildren. Crystal Vapor is located off the 2 and 210 freeways on Foothill Blvd in the Big Lots Shopping Center #ecig #ecigs #vape #vapor #crystalvapor #socalvape #calivapers #unitedvapers #vapelyfe #vapecommunity #vapep*** #losangeles #lacanadaflintridge #ca #california
Posted 10 years, 7 months Ago
Credits to @bcpflip23_vd from @thevapordept for this shot of our shop at sunset during our Grand Opening/1 Year Anniversary July 20th 2014 #clouds #lounge #cloudchaserslounge #socalvape #vape #vapor #vaporbar #crystalvapor #vaper #newbusiness #vapela #vapecommunity #casaa #lacanadaflintridge #ca #california
Posted 10 years, 7 months Ago
Starter Kits for under $35!!! Grab one for a gift for a smoker you might know, and get them on the right path to a smoke free lifestyle! Only here at #CrystalVapor #ecig #ecigs #smokefree #vape #vapor #vapela #vapelyfe #vapecommunity #socalvape #calivapers #unitedvapers #vapep*** #losangeles #casaa #improof #improofmovement #lacanadaflintridge #ca #california
Posted 10 years, 7 months Ago
Another beautiful day at Crystal Vapor La Cañada-Flintridge! We're well stocked with all your favorite Juices from Space Jam to CRFT to Villains to Velvet Cloud and Vape Brewery! We also have the new 30w Cana Box Mods for sub Ohm Variable Voltage Vaping! #spacejam #villainvapors #7drops #CRFT #MothersMilk #VapeBrewery #velvetcloud #avalanche #Halo #cosmicfog #crystalvapor #vapeLA #socalvape #calivapers #vapelyfe #unitedvapers #vapep*** #vapecommunity #casaa #improof #improofmovement #lacanadaflintridge #losangeles #ca #california
Posted 10 years, 7 months Ago
Almost done settin up!! #crystalvapor1year #crystalvapor #calivapers #unitedvapers #socalvape #vapela #improof #improofmovement #ecig #eliq #ejuice #vape #vapor #vapelyfe #vapep*** #vapecommunity #lacanadaflintridge #losangeles #ca #casaa #california
Posted 10 years, 7 months Ago